Operation Legacy Service Projects

Rockville, MD/GORUCK - November 2019

16 - Nov - 2019
Rockville, MD/GORUCK - November 2019

Please join TMF, and the DMV GRT for an Operation Legacy project and ruck. Non native and invasive species threaten our parks that we love to ruck in and through. We will go out for a few hours after or before a short ruck and help out the local "Weed Warriors"  program (Montgomery County MD) to identify and remove non native and invasive plant species from our parks so that it does not damage the native plants in that habitat. 

Arrive by 8:45am for briefing). Meet at the parking lot for Lake Frank in Rockville MD. 

This project will be honoring the life and legacy of LT (SEAL) Brendan Looney, USN.  


You MUST be registered by October 28th to guarantee a t-shirt. 


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