Daniel Johnson
DOD // 01.04.2013
HOMETOWN // Arlington, VA
DOB // 08.05.1977
Daniel was born in Washington D.C. and grew up in Arlington, VA. He graduated from Wakefield High School - class of 1996. He was an enlisted soldier for 10 years with a rank of SSG(P) before he went to Officer Candidate School to become a commissioned officer. He deployed to Kuwait and did two tours in Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom and was a recipient of the Bronze Star. Daniel loved the outdoors, playing basketball, car racing games and mixing music. He was a dedicated soldier, hands-on father and loving husband.
Character Strength Stories:
Gratitude - Daniel was a grateful person.
Leadership - Daniel always had the "lead from the front attitude.”
Humility - Daniel was not one to brag about things or do something for recognition.
- Carmelita, Surviving Wife