Dennis Veater
DOD // 03.09.2007
HOMETOWN // Jessup, PA
DOB // 10.25.1986
Dennis is the youngest of six children and is a twin. He was born and raised in the Marine Corps in the first 16 years of his life, he traveled from VirginiaĀ to California then went overseas to Okinawa, Japan. He enjoyed military brat life and loved meeting new people and doing new things. After his father's retirement, the family settled in Newton Township Pennsylvania. Dennis finished High School at Abington Heights then moved to Jessup, PA. He later enrolled at Penn State. He also started a family and has a son Dominick born January 2, 2006. He joined the Marine Reserves as a truck driver and proudly served until he was Killed in Action March 9th, 2007.
Character Strength Story: When Dennis was three years old we had one of the first homes when entering the neighborhood and parked on the street.. Dennis and his twin brother Adam would greet the neighbors with a dance show standing on the roof of the family car. Naked of course. That care free, don't worry attitude lasted all his life and still makes us smile today. - Submitted by Donald, Dennis's Father