Bret Miller
DOD // 10.28.2009
HOMETOWN // East Troy, WI
DOB // 12.22.1978
LT Bret Travis Miller was killed October 28, 2009 when his T-34C Turbomentor crashed off the coast of Texas during a training mission.  LT Miller grew up in East Troy, Wisconsin and was the youngest of three children.  He graduated from East Troy High School as an Honors student and star athlete, having held the record as the school’s all-time leading scorer in basketball.  Bret was a 2001 graduate of the United States Naval Academy.  Throughout his flying career, LT Miller earned qualifications as Patrol Plane Commander, FCF Pilot, Mission Commander and Instructor Pilot, and also completed two deployments.
Lieutenant Miller is survived by his grandparents, parents, siblings, and a number of nieces and nephews. He is also survived by his wife and two sons.
The Travis Manion Foundation honored Lt. Miller through the Character Does Matter program presented during the USNA Summer Seminar and USNA STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Camp for rising 11th graders.