Sam brought a light to the world that could never be extinguished, even after his untimely death. He cared deeply for those in his life and exemplified a love for his family that was truly humbling to experience. But above all, he loved his two sons (Chad and Noah), his wife (Casey), his Marines, and his God.

From a young age, Sam showed an interest in flying and had an overwhelming desire to serve others. As an Eagle Scout, he gained valuable leadership traits that would follow him into adulthood. He would later participate as a Marine Option Midshipman at Penn State University NROTC program. After completing OCS, earning his EGA, and graduating with his bachelor's degree, Sam was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps in 1997 and went on to become a Naval Aviator, flying F/A-18Ds and serving as a Forward Air Controller (FAC).

Throughout his career, Sam completed one world service tour with his aviation unit and deployed to Japan and Kuwait (where he participated in shock and awe as an F/A 18 pilot). Sam also deployed toĀ North Africa, Iraq and Afghanistan as a FAC. Before the train up for his final deployment, Sam felt a responsibility to deploy with his Marines due to the high risk of the operational environment they were traveling to. Though not required, Sam accepted the request to ensure his Marines were in good hands and made it his mission to ensure they all returned home safely. He accomplished that mission.

Sam gave his life on December 14th, 2011, while supporting combat operations in Afghanistan. He was indeed a man who embodied honor, courage, and commitment towards those he served. Though he has been gone for over a decade, his memory and legacy live on and have inspired others to answer a higher call to service.

Character Strength Story:

KINDNESSĀ -Ā Kindness is becoming a rare quality in today's world. But it wasn't for my brother, Sam. When I was six, Sam deployed to the Middle East following the initial invasion of Iraq in 2003. As his little brother, I was unbelievably proud that my brother was fighting to defend our nation. I distinctly remember my first grade teacher and classmates taking time to draw pictures and write letters to send to him during class.

Sam returned home from the war the following spring and surprised me at school. My classmates and I were in the library for storytime. I noticed they all began to look at me. Curiously, I turned around and saw Sam standing behind me with the biggest smile on his face. I can honestly say it is one of the happiest memories of my life.

Sam knew how to make people feel special, but while this is one of my fondest memories of him, the best part of this story takes place a few years following his passing. My sister-in-law was cleaning her closet when she found an envelope of letters written to Sam dated back to his first deployment. He had kept the letters my classmates wrote him and stored them with his uniforms.

Still, to this day, I am convinced Sam was one of the kindest men I have ever known.

ā€”Submitted by David, Surviving Brother

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