Louis Langlais
DOD // 08.06.2011
HOMETOWN // Santa Barbara, CA
DOB // 10.05.1966
Special Warfare Operator Master Chief Petty Officer (SEAL) Louis J. Langlais, 44, of Santa Barbara, Calif.,was among 30 United States service members, who died in the Aug. 6, 2012 CH-47 Chinook helicopter crash in Wardak province, Afghanistan. The SEAL gave his life in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. The Santa Barbara High School graduate served on SEAL Team Six. He recently became a resident of Virginia Beach, Va. with his wife and two children, whom he was survived by.
“Lou Langlais was a Navy SEAL, a precision parachute jumper and a rock climber who scaled cliffs, sometimes without a rope. With a striking ability to suppress fear, he was known for leading his comrades into dangerous situations with a sense of calm, confidence and even fun.” – LA Times
The Travis Manion Foundation honored MCSO (SEAL) Louis Langlais with 30 other Fallen Heroes through our Character Does Matter program at the Westover School in Middlebury, Conn on Jan. 18, 2013.
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LA Times
Washington Post
Lompoc Record