Wyatt Hoaks
DOD // 03.24.2019
HOMETOWN // Morocco, IN
DOB // 03.20.2000
Wyatt grew up in the small farming town of Morocco, Indiana. He grew up like any other farm boy, showing pigs and cattle in 4-H. His true passion was football. He loved playing football and watching the Fighting Irish, as his maternal grandparents were full Irish! He was 6 feet tall and weighed 200 lbs. Wyatt still holds weightlifting records at his high school. As with all men in his family, he joined the military. His great-grandfather was a Command Sergeant Major in the Army, his grandfather served in the Navy and I served in the Marines. His life was tragically cut short in a single vehicle accident on his last day of leave before shipping out on USS Ronald Reagan.
Character Strength Story:
BRAVERYÂ -Â In times of unrest in the Middle East, he never wavered on wanting to serve his country!
HUMORÂ -Â He was the leader of practical jokes and messing around. He would stay up late all week of the 4-H fair and steal the golf carts for the fair board members and drive them through the pig barns and out on the motocross track!
KINDNESSÂ -Â As big and strong as Wyatt was he never picked on anybody and stepped up when people were mean to kids that were not so popular.
—Submitted by David, Surviving Father