Bradley Bohle
DOD // 09.16.2009
HOMETOWN // Glen Burnie, MD
DOB // 06.21.1980
SFC Bradley Bohle was killed on September 16th 2009. Brad exhibited many strengths throughout his life and service including: Kindness, Humility and Perseverance. Above all these things though, Brad was an amazing father to his three girls. They will live the rest of their lives knowing that they were loved and cherished. His life was dedicated to their success and to spending time showing them love, teaching them about life, and being their protector.
Brad didn't back down from a challenge, regardless of the obstacles he would have to overcome. He was always the guy other guys teased about his baby feet. He was prone to blistering easily, regardless of the precautions he took. When Brad attended selection he finished the last long walk with blisters that covered the entire bottom of his feet. Afterwards, he literally peeled the entire bottom of his foot off. Kinda gross, but most guys would have quit long before their feet were damaged. When he wanted something there was no stopping him or standing in the way. He would stay up for hours when he was going through the 18D course to study, pack i.v. kits and memorize where items were in his bag. Brad didn't want to be caught unprepared and put any of his guys in a position to where he couldn't help them as quickly as possible.
Brad did all of the normal guy things to look out for others, but he had a soft spot for kids. More than once he would jet out the door with his medic kit to remove a trampoline spring out of a foot, stop gushing blood from a kid's face when they ate pavement, or simply wrapped ankles and held ice, while reassuring a gymnast's mom that it would be ok. Brad was also the first to step in and help any of our neighbors when they need to move something heavy or build anything. He was really handy and would build retaining walls for three of our neighbors, all while he was on leave. When our friends were moving, he would show up regardless of the promise of beer and pizza. He could build a team and a relationship with others because he had a way of making everyone feel like they were the center of the universe.
When he was a young soldier, Brad was selected to compete in the Soldier of the Month board. Even though others told him he would never succeed, he kicked ass and ended up competing and winning the Soldier of the Year award for the Brigade. He wasn't ever the guy to say, "I told you so!" or brag about his accomplishments. The same thing happened as an NCO, when he went on to become the SOSCOM NCO of the Year. Brad and his team were given an award by the FBI for major roles they played in Afghanistan in taking out a top tier operative, but he didn't tell anyone, not even his Dad. We didn't find out until after his death. He was just a humble guy, the gray guy, but the guy that made stuff happen while being a team player.
- Submitted by Brad Bohle's family