The President of the United States takes pride in presenting the Bronze Star Medal posthumously toÂ
Richard Gonzalez, Seaman Second Class United States Naval Reserve for service as set forth in the following Citation:
"For heroic achievement as member of a 40-mm Quadruple Gun Mount Crew serving aboard the U.S.S Louisville while that ship was subjected to continuous enemy aerial bombardment off Luzon Island, the Philippines, January 5 & 6, 1945. Fearless and cool when one of several Japanese suicide planes plunged down on his seriously crippled vessel January 6, Gonzales gallantly reamined at his battle station, maintaing staedy fire at the approaching until it crashed against the starboard side of the ship near his position. Mortally wounded the terrific explosion which followed , Gonzales, by his determined fighting spirit and outstanding technical skill, had contributed essentially to the defense of hs ship throughout the hazardous, two-day engagement and his unfaltering devotion to duty during a period of strain and peril and was in keeping with the highest traditions on the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country."
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