5 Ways to Honor 9/11 Heroes
In the days and weeks after the attacks of September 11, 2001, our nation promised to “never forget” the brave first responders who gave their lives by stepping in to help. That promise soon grew to include service members who raised their hands to serve in the wars that followed. Now 22 years since that dark day, Travis Manion Foundation (TMF) and our nation’s veterans still strive to keep that promise by carrying on the legacy of our fallen through service. With your help, we can continue to remind families of the fallen and those who serve that we remember - Below are several ways you can help keep the promise our country made years ago and honor 9/11 heroes this month:
1. Join a 9/11 Heroes Run
Every September, TMF’s 9/11 Heroes Run unites communities across the country to honor 9/11, the heroes who gave their lives on that day, and those who raised their hand to serve in the wars that followed. Register at one of 90 events nationwide or as a virtual participant to ensure the sacrifices of that day are remembered.
2. Donate to Support Veterans and Families of the Fallen
If you can’t attend a 9/11 event with TMF, you can always support our nation’s veterans as they work to honor the legacies of our fallen heroes through service. Donating to TMF allows veterans - and families of the fallen - to honor 9/11 heroes by filling community needs through Operation Legacy service projects. These service opportunities unite all Americans, including inspired civilians, to beautify neighborhoods and care for vulnerable populations.
3. Volunteer In Your Community
In addition to serving with TMF through Operation Legacy, you can also join 9/11 Day in a “day of doing good.” After the devastating loss of life in 2001, David Paine and Jay Winuk searched for a way to turn a dark day into a positive by mobilizing volunteers across the nation to prepare meal packs for at-risk Americans. The effort also provides free lesson plans for teachers and encourages Americans to pledge a good deed for 9/11 Day, now recognized as the single-largest day of service in our nation.
4. 9/11 Memorial Stair Climbs
Each 9/11 anniversary, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation challenges Americans to climb or walk the equivalent of 110 stories. By participating in the 9/11 Memorial Stair Climbs, and climbing the same height as the World Trade Center, you can honor 9/11 and the 343 firefighters who were lost saving others. Your support also provides assistance to surviving families and co-workers of the 343 firefighters who made the ultimate sacrifice on September 11, 2001.
5. Learn Stories of 9/11 Fallen Heroes
Located at the World Trade Center site, the 9/11 Memorial is a standing tribute to the lives lost on September 11th, 2001. Exploring the memorial and learning the names of the fallen is another way you can honor 9/11 heroes. The 9/11 Memorial and Museum is committed to providing in-person and digital learning resources that honor the human dignity, courage, and sacrifice of those affected by 9/11.
No matter how you choose to mark the anniversary of 9/11, honoring the heroes and the fallen of 9/11 is something each of us can do all year long. We all have a duty to ensure the legacies of our fallen are remembered.