New Orleans

2022 - New Orleans Expedition

09 - Feb - 2022 thru 13 - Feb - 2022
2022 - New Orleans Expedition

Families of the fallen and Travis Manion Foundation will travel to New Orleans, LA for a 5-day Expedition where participants will focus on leadership development and community service. Expedition participants, in partnership with local organizations, will create long-lasting impact through a 3-day service project focusing on local disaster relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida. Prior engagement with Travis Manion Foundation is not required to apply.

This service-based, personal development Expedition is fully sponsored, at no cost to you. Families of the fallen (ages 18 and up, at least 18 months out from their loss) dive into their personal, unique character and leadership skills while honoring their loved ones alongside other family members of Fallen Heroes. All participants selected for this Expedition will attend two virtual Zoom sessions for the group, where participants and TMF staff can begin building relationships and prepare for the Expedition.