Resources to Help You Lead and Inspire Others Through Character
Travis Manion Foundation (TMF) is a community—led by veterans and families of the fallen but open to all—that serves together and supports each other. Students like you are a critical piece in inspiring our nation to lead by the examples set by fallen heroes and empowering others to adopt the “If Not Me, Then Who…” spirit. Here, you’ll find resources to help you serve your community, begin tracking community service hours, or start a TMF Youth Club at your school.
Creating a Movement of Character Starts with You
The hallmark program of TMF, Character Does Matter (CDM) powered by Under Armour Freedom, is a youth mentorship program led by veterans and families of the fallen volunteers that help develop character and leadership skills in young adults. If you’re interested in bringing CDM to your school, complete the form linked below.

In order to see the impact you are making at your school and in your community, keeping a record of your efforts is critical. TMF uses InnerView to make this process simple. Before completing any community service projects—like beautifying school grounds or picking up trash in your neighborhood—start by creating a service resume on InnerView. Within their platform, you can track volunteer hours, connect with new service opportunities, and see the impact you are having on your community.

Starting a TMF Youth Club is one way to bring the mission of Travis Manion Foundation to your fellow students. In addition to empowering your peers to adopt the “If Not Me, Then Who…” ethos, TMF Clubs give you a tangible way to answer community and school needs—and get support from local Veteran Mentors and TMF staff to help. Currently, TMF Youth Clubs exist at several high schools across the country. For more information on how to get started, email krista.kotsay@travismanion.org or reference the guide linked below.
If you’re a student who has completed a Character Does Matter presentation or course, we want to hear from you. Share your thoughts and let us know how it inspired you to put “If Not Me, Then Who…” into action by completing the brief survey below.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some examples of Operation Legacy service projects?
There are numerous, actionable ways you can answer a pressing need in your community or create impact at your school while honoring a fallen hero. Here are several ideas to help you get started.
How do I track service hours through TMF?
TMF uses InnerView to track all community service hours completed by youth across the country. Get started by creating a service resume on InnerView, then follow the prompts to add service projects and log your service hours. Within their platform, you can also connect with new service opportunities and see the impact you are having on your community.
I attended a Character Does Matter presentation or course elsewhere. How can I bring it to my school?
TMF Mentors and staff are always working to bring Character Does Matter (CDM) to more schools across the country. To learn more about how you can host CDM at your school, click here. After you or your teacher complete the form, you will be connected with a TMF team member regarding next steps.
Are there minimum requirements for TMF Youth Clubs?
Not all TMF Youth Clubs need to operate the same, but there are minimum requirements. All clubs must:
Have a School Faculty Liaison (teacher or school administrator) who can support the club, communicate with TMF staff and TMF Mentors, and be present at all in-school meetings.
Hold an onboarding call with TMF staff to learn more about TMF Youth Clubs and how you can embrace the “If Not Me, Then Who…” ethos at your school.
Host a Character Does Matter presentation during the school year for your club, led by a trained and vetted TMF Mentor.
Have all TMF Youth Club members create an InnerView account to log service hours and capture member engagement.
Organize and execute a minimum of one Operation Legacy service project every school year, registering each project through the TMF website and communicating plans with TMF staff.
Keep TMF staff informed of all club activities and progress throughout the year.
For more information and club guidelines, download the TMF Youth Club handbook here.
What activities should TMF Clubs plan?
Although activities vary from club to club, TMF has created an annual calendar to help guide student leaders with planning throughout the school year. There are many ways to get involved with TMF throughout the school year. Use the guide below as inspiration for the year ahead.
AUGUST: Get ready for 9/11 Heroes Run season! Sign up to volunteer, run or host your own 5k.
SEPTEMBER: Participate in a 9/11 Heroes Run. This is a great way to show up as a club and honor the fallen in your community.
OCTOBER: Start thinking about Veterans Day and how your club can honor our veterans through service.
NOVEMBER: Veterans Day is November 11. Lead a project honoring veterans like sending cards to a veterans home or visiting a local veterans residential facility to listen to their stories or play games.
DECEMBER: Start planning a Service Project for Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Day of Service in January.
JANUARY: Lead a service project for MLK Day of Service or sign up for an Operation Legacy Service Project on the TMF website.
FEBRUARY: Veterans homes and other assisted living homes love homemade Valentine’s Day cards! Create cards and find a home in your community where you can deliver them.
MARCH: Manion WOD (Workout of the Day) takes place on or around April 29 every year in honor of the anniversary of 1stLt Travis Manion’s ultimate sacrifice. Challenge yourselves to complete the workout! Sign up with TMF or host your own WOD at your school.
APRIL: Complete the Manion WOD with TMF!
MAY: The Honor Project (#THP) offers a way to honor the fallen on Memorial Day weekend by volunteering to place commemorative tokens at the resting places of fallen heroes. Find a participating cemetery on the TMF website or visit a cemetery in your own community to honor the service and sacrifice of fallen heroes.
JUNE-JULY: Touch base with your TMF point of contact before the last day of classes to wrap up and share your plan for the next school year. Make sure to include the names of who will serve as your club leaders and whether the School Faculty Liaison will remain the same.
Are there additional resources for TMF Youth Clubs I can access?
Yes, there are a number of additional resources you can use including the main TMF website, our VIA Character Strengths survey, videos, and other links noted below.
VIA Character Strengths Survey
24 Character Strengths and Definitions
InnerView TMF Student Account
InnerView Main Website
TMF Circle Badge Logo
Video: “If Not Me, Then Who…” Origin
Video: Putting “If Not Me, Then Who…” Into Action
Video: What is Character?
If I have other questions about TMF Youth Clubs, who should I contact?
All questions about TMF Youth Clubs should be directed to Krista Kotsay, TMF Senior Manager, Youth Development, at krista.kotsay@travismanion.org.