Survivor Stories

What Is a Gold Star Family Member?

What is a Gold Star family member? Travis Manion Foundation explains who these families of fallen military heroes are and how we serve them.

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Veteran Stories

TMF Veteran Highlight: Maj. Brian “Tosh” Chontosh, USMC (Ret.)

Find out how Maj. Brian “Tosh” Chontosh, USMC (Ret.), a Navy Cross recipient, leverages his past struggles to help other veterans improve their mental health and well-being.

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Veteran Stories

3 Easy Ways to Thank a Veteran for Veterans Day

Travis Manion Foundation offers three simple ways you can honor and thank a veteran in your community this Veterans Day. Learn more here.

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Resources to Improve Veteran Mental Health

The Surgeon General announced our country is experiencing an epidemic of isolation and loneliness. Are you a veteran or a family member that is looking for ways to improve veteran mental health? TMF shares five resources available to veterans nationwide.

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TMF Events

5 Ways to Honor 9/11 Heroes

More than two decades since the attacks of September 11th, 2001, Travis Manion Foundation strives to keep our nation’s promise to “never forget.” Are you looking for ways to honor 9/11 heroes? TMF shares five easy actions you can take to honor 9/11 from anywhere in the nation.

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Veteran Stories

Authentic Service and Constant Growth- A Reflection on the Spartan Leadership Program

Navy veteran and graduate Lacey Sladky reflected on her experience with this one-of-a-kind program.

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Veteran Stories

Meet Veteran Chuck Segel, Who Found Healing Through Service In Honor of Travis Manion

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Press Room 11-Oct-2017

City of Houston to Host Joint Veterans Day and 9/11 Heroes Run Event, to be Proclaimed as “If Not Me, Then Who…” Day”

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CDM Chester Keith Palmer3

The Schultz Family Foundation has partnered with Travis Manion Foundation (TMF) to provide support and mentorship opportunities for transitioning veterans.

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Survivor Stories 26-Sep-2017

Four years after their loss, Gold Star parents Pat and Doreen Cappelaere remember the legacy that their late daughter LT. Valerie Cappelaere Delaney...

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Brendan Looneyfeatured cards
Living Legacies 21-Sep-2017

On September 21, 2010, just ten days before his expected return to the U.S., Navy SEAL Lt. Brendan Looney gave his life for our great nation.

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BLOG Subhead TMF Light cards Boat
Veteran Stories 12-Sep-2017

“When I see people’s lives being taken in a flood and people wading through water - I can’t just sit on a couch and watch that happen - I have...

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Press Room 05-Sep-2017

Ryan Manion, TMF President and Travis Manion’s sister, provided this statement: “As I reflect on the 10 year anniversary of the 9/11 Heroes Run, I’m in awe at the number...

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Pam featured cards
Survivor Stories 14-Aug-2017

Pam Zembiec marvels at all the ways her 11 year old daughter, Fallyn Justice Zembiec, reminds her of her husband: “Before she dives off the diving board she scratches her...

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Red featured cards
Veteran Stories 13-Aug-2017

Afghanistan War Vet, Red Ramos, subscribes to a philosophy of “Success through Struggle.” So when bad times hit, you just push through them, right? Wrong, Red explains.

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Greg featured cards

Growing up in the Logan Section of Philadelphia, Greg Damas was offered plenty of opportunities to descend down the common path of alcohol abuse, drugs and violence.

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Honor featured cards

“My name is Honor. It means you honor people; you do special things for them and thank them for what they did for you.” Honor Emma Borek was born in...

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001 78,000+ Veterans + Survivors Empowered
002 300,000+ Spartan Members
003 650,000+ Youth Living "If Not Me, Then Who..." Movement