
Category: Next Generation Leaders

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With a multitude of new safety and health protocols in school districts nationwide this year, it’s become increasingly challenging (though more crucial) to build a positive classroom culture and meet students’ social and emotional needs. 

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Through the turmoil of 2020 so far, the class of 2020, the next great generation, has been a beacon of hope for the nation. Rather than feeling sorry for themselves, young Americans have been stepping up across the nation to show strong character and stand up for what they believe.

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When we invest in veterans, our youth, communities, and nation thrive.Samantha Schneider, a senior at Desert Ridge High School in Mesa, Arizona, knows first-hand that veterans are civic assets, and...

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Young people from across the nation are embodying “If Not Me, Then Who…”

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We’re celebrating a milestone with our Spartan members impacting and inspiring a quarter-of-a-million youth across the country.

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After the economic downturn in Pleasantville, NJ, the small shore town faced a series of challenges after businesses shut down and thousands of jobs were lost. 

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Growing up in the Logan Section of Philadelphia, Greg Damas was offered plenty of opportunities to descend down the common path of alcohol abuse, drugs and violence.

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“My name is Honor. It means you honor people; you do special things for them and thank them for what they did for you.” Honor Emma Borek was born in...

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Pictured are two of the 5k race leaders with TMF staff member. Pictured from left to right are: Hannah Devlin, Josh Jabin and Kyle Kutney

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“Never give up hope. When you’re given that chance, fight like Hell to make the most of it. People can help you, but nobody can do it for you.

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Our Duty Is Never Done

Are You Ready To Answer The Call?

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TMF Stats:
001 78,000+ Veterans + Survivors Empowered
002 300,000+ Spartan Members
003 650,000+ Youth Living "If Not Me, Then Who..." Movement