
Category: Living Legacies

Hunter at Army Navy2
Living Legacies 16-Dec-2019

The Army-Navy football game is so much more than a game. This year, I took my sons for the first time.

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Living Legacies 27-Nov-2019

In all of 2019, nearly 8,000 Spartans of all ages organized, led, and participated in more than 200 community service projects as part of Operation Legacy. 

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Veterans Day Blog Featured
Living Legacies 07-Nov-2019

Travis Manion Foundation believes veterans are the greatest civic assets our nation has to offer and we take Veterans Day and the month of November to reflect on what they mean to us.

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Sarah Milwee Family photo Light cards

On September 11, 2001, I was a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed 25-year-old from Texas living the life in New York City. That day and the days and weeks to follow changed my life forever. I will never forget the moment it happened...

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Living Legacies 28-Jun-2019

This Independence Day, we recognize the ties that bind us together as Americans. Celebrate the unity and character of our great nation by supporting those who protect it, with a gift to TMF.

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Living Legacies 03-Jun-2019

Her first challenge was the Marine Corps Marathon. After that, she never stopped running.

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manion wod featured card
Living Legacies 20-May-2019

Named in honor of military and first responders who gave their lives in the line of duty, Hero WODs— or Workout of the Day in the CrossFit community—challenge participants’ endurance and allow the hero’s legacy of strength and sacrifice to live on.

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Living Legacies 24-May-2018

This Memorial Day, join us in remembering the selfless sacrifices of our nation’s fallen heroes.

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Living Legacies 29-Apr-2018

Looking back 11 years after Travis’ death, I don’t think of Travis Manion “the man that was larger than life,” or even Travis Manion “the warrior.” I think of him as my friend.

By: Steve Kovach

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TMF Stats:
001 78,000+ Veterans + Survivors Empowered
002 300,000+ Spartan Members
003 650,000+ Youth Living "If Not Me, Then Who..." Movement